I Glasgow...

Happy 34th birthday!


No I do not hide my age. I have been so lucky to have so many people around me full of love and wits. They enrich my life in so many different ways and I cannot wait for another day to rise, excited like a kid waiting to open surprise gifts. Family and friends, thank you so much!

Moment of truth!




Cutting and serving.



Yes I did make it myself and it was a yummy black forrest gateau (recipe from here).



Colin made my favourite dinner, duck breasts with cherries in port sauce and pak choi (recipe here).



The following may seem like a random photo. However, it is not as this is part of my birthday gift from my lovely husband. A new symetrical victorian house with a grand jardin. We moved in 3 weeks ago and I have been decorating since. My second gift has been one of these babies which I cannot wait to learn how to use properly.



Any ideas about garden design?

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