Browsing Category


Restaurants, cocktail bars, cafes and being out and about.


Santa is coming to…Glasgow!

The Christmas tree is up and Scarlett has given her Christmas signing concert…ooops I meant show…at the nursery dressed as a snowfairy (how cute was that)! She also got her first gift from her greek gran or Yaya as we call her…a fish tank with a couple of fish in it. They are behaving very well surprisingly ;-). Party invitations are also lining up, fireplaces are lit and warm hearty smells are coming from the kitchen. I have updated my Christmas song list (by the way if you like listening to different compilations, this site is aaaamaaaazing). In terms of Christmas gifts, I got a nice new Victorian style house but being a bit cheeky, I would still like this for my garden ;-)

  Let Christmas begin!



_MG_0028What are your plans for Christmas?



Hanoi Bike Shop Restaurant with mummy Sofia…


It is this time of the year when mummy arrives from Corfu! We go shopping, we go eating, we go promenading and have mother-daughter fun. Sometimes it is hard as she never brings her glasses and she cannot read a thing so I have to read every little thing on the menu for her. However, all and all I love having her around as I do not see her often enough. She will be around for Christmas too! Double joy!

So yesterday we went to the Hanoi Bike Shop in the West End of Glasgow for lunch. It serves really lovely Vietnamese food and a completely unique environment. The whole place is designed like a bike shop and it is so cleverly made. I love such design concepts! The staff is so great and service is very fast! I had the summer rolls which I cannot recommend highly enough.



  With mummy Sofia. Isn’t she a cutie?



  Check out the famous lovely yummy summer rolls!









Have you been to Hanoi Bike Shop yet? What do you think of it?


Going out in Glasgow…


I know I have disappeared but you will understand why the next few months when I am able to show you the photos of our new house! I am so excited about it! But because I have not been online, it does not mean I have not been offline too. I have been out with my love and our friends and have had a great time on different occasions. Drinking cocktails at the Ubiquitous Chip, eating out at Pancho Villas, la Vallee Blanche, Soba bar and the wonderful wonderful Brian Maules and listening to loud bands at Maggie Mays.

The winter is here and I am wearing my woollen hat and scarf on a daily basis now. Tomorrow my mum arrives and it is all getting exciting for Christmas.

P.S. How do you like the new look of the blog?















A little privacy please!


Because we could not hear each other, we were communicating by writing!


Proof for the next day!


And the band went on!


Family, GLASGOW, Out

Glasgow museum of transport


 Hello my friends! I wanted to treat you to lots and lots of photos we took at the new museum of transport which we got to visit. It was a lovely thing to do, many interesting things I did not know about wheels and engines and lots of laughing moments too! I hope you enjoy the post!

Which is your favourite museum?














Family, GLASGOW, Out

Rainy weekend at Darcy’s

It is a typical Scottish summer :-( Raining unstoppably and creating a cellular confusion to my body (I expect it to be warm and wear summer clothes and it is cold and miserable and I wear boots!). Despite that, we decided to go to city centre last weekend for some shopping and hanging out. I also got the chance to test my new camera lens which I absolutely adore. It makes such a difference to the quality of my photos, don’t you think? Oh by the way…If you saw a flying Darcy’s balloon at the city centre, it was ours! a

What did you do last weekend?










Family, GLASGOW, Out

Heads of Ayr Farm Park…A day in the sun!


Wasn’t it glorious the last two weekends? We thought that summer would never come in Scotland but we did get a feel for it at least for some days. We decided to take a family trip to Heads of Ayr Farm Park and I have to say I was very impressed with how well this is done. If you have a family, you are going to have a great time as you can feed the goats and the ponies and also see some more exotic animals. The children’s fun park is amazing too with lots of sand and bouncy toys.

What did you do last weekend when the sun was shining?






