• I Glasgow...

    Uninspired…(or Where is my mojo?)

    When I was young, my grandfather used to tell me stories of the most beautiful creations he would build one day. He once told me he had started building this flying machine…

  • I Glasgow...

    The end of the summer…

    I feel like a jet-setter these days. A Greek Girl in Glasgow does not seem to be writing about Glasgow much! This post shows my last summer holidays of 2010. It was…

  • I Glasgow...

    My new vintage sun glasses…

    I always feel so much better with a new pair of sunglasses. It is as if they give me a new outlook to the world. My new sunglasses are DITA and are…

  • I Glasgow...

    New blogger in the city…

    Hi everyone! Cosmopolitan is looking for a new blog (not more than 6 months old) and I have taken part. If you do “clicky clicky” on the button below you can nominate…